This project represents an extension of the research activity carried out within the PRESEMT project, aimed to improve the accuracy of the translation process. Due to the limited funding available, PRESEMT plus focusses on specific research issues that have a key role in the translation process. Thus, progress in these issues can lead to an improvement of the PRESEMT translation process and a more accurate translation, as expressed by objective metrics widely used by the MT community.
The PRESEMT (Pattern REcognition-based Statistically Enhanced MT) project has been funded under "ICT-2009.2.2: Language-based Interaction". It is intended to lead to a flexible and adaptable MT system, based on a language-independent method, whose principles ensure easy portability to new language pairs. This method attempts to overcome well-known problems of other MT approaches, e.g. compilation of extensive bilingual corpora or creation of new rules per language pair. PRESEMT will address the issue of effectively managing multilingual content and is expected to suggest a language-independent machine-learning-based methodology.
Download PRESEMT!
Download a fully-functional version of the PRESEMT Machine Translation System for translating German or Greek to English.